What are the Benefits of Compression Therapy?

What are the Benefits of Compression Therapy?

Compression therapy dates back thousands of years. Physicians in ancient Rome used it to treat injuries and help with muscle restoration for athletes and warriors. Over the centuries, compression therapy techniques advanced dramatically while scientists discovered new benefits.

At Hydralive Therapy®, you can take full advantage of compression therapy powered by NormaTec® Pulse Technology. By making compression therapy a part of your wellness or recovery program, you can reap its multiple benefits.

What Is Compression Therapy?

Compression therapy is a non-invasive treatment method involving applying controlled pressure to different body parts (usually extremities). Common types of compression therapy include:

  • Elastic bandages
  • Non-elastic bandages
  • Multicomponent bandage systems
  • Compression stockings

The most advanced compression therapy technology, such as the one used by Hydralive Therapy, involves placing the extremity in a compression unit. A qualified operator uses an electronic remote to control compressed air in the device to apply pressure and massage the limbs.

Who Is Compression Therapy For?

Compression therapy is a versatile treatment method that can benefit people of all ages dealing with various conditions. It is beneficial for those who experience the following:

  • Blood circulation issues
  • Swelling
  • Inflammation
  • Muscle fatigue
  • Limited range of motion in the extremities
  • Leg ulcers (common for people who live with diabetes)

By applying pressure to the affected areas, compression therapy aids in improving blood flow, reducing swelling, and preventing the pooling of blood in the veins. That’s why it can help people with various vein problems, such as varicose veins or deep vein thrombosis.

Compression therapy can also be great for people who are recovering from surgery or sports-related injuries. During treatment, they can enjoy better blood circulation to the affected area, which reduces inflammation and promotes healing.

Compression therapy can support your veins and reduce the risk of blood clots if your job involves sitting in front of the monitor for hours or demands frequent flying.

Compression Therapy and Its Benefits

Over the past decades, researchers have been finding more and more benefits of compression therapy, including:

  • Improved blood circulation – compression therapy stimulates the efficient flow of blood and lymphatic fluid. This helps enhance circulation by delivering oxygen and nutrients to your tissues.
  • Reduced swelling and inflammation – by putting pressure on the affected area, compression therapy helps reduce swelling and inflammation. It’s been shown to help our customers who have swelling from conditions caused by the buildup of lymph fluids.
  • Enhanced muscle recovery – compression therapy promotes healing by supporting injured or strained muscles. The increased blood flow and swelling reduction can speed up the recovery and improve the overall rehabilitation process.
  • Blood clot prevention – for people who may be susceptible to developing blood clots (sedentary lifestyle, vein issues), compression therapy can help keep blood from pooling and reduce the clot risk.
  • Better athletic performance – athletes and active individuals can use compression therapy to enhance their performance. Therapy can provide support to muscles, improve recovery, and reduce soreness.

The latest technologies allow compression therapy to help you stay in tune with your body. The pressure on your skin activates receptors that communicate with your brain. This enables you to become more aware of your limbs and muscles.

Hydralive Therapy Offers Compression Therapy for Your Needs

Compression therapy has multiple benefits, some of which can pleasantly surprise you. Even if you don’t actively lead a sedentary lifestyle or exercise, you can still take full advantage of the technique to improve your quality of life.

The clinical team at Hydralive Therapy can set up a convenient therapy schedule and make the process comfortable and highly effective. Book an appointment at one of our Alabama or Georgia locations today to start reaping the benefits!


Image Credits: Salov Evgeniy/ shutterstock

What to Avoid When Taking Glutathione?

What to Avoid When Taking Glutathione?

The key to accessing all the benefits offered by glutathione is taking it responsibly. This powerful antioxidant composed of amino acids can assist with slowing the aging process, help with athletic recovery, streamline detoxification, and much more.

At Hydralive Therapy locations in Alabama and Georgia, our team of registered nurses helps set up a suitable course of glutathione treatment, depending on your individual needs and goals. All of our treatment protocols are overseen by a board-certified physician as well. Call us to start your comprehensive wellness journey at any time.  

Now let’s take a closer look at what to avoid when taking glutathione in order to achieve the best results and prevent side effects.

What is Glutathione and is it Natural? 

Glutathione is an antioxidant that consists of three amino acids: cysteine, glutamine, and glycine. It occurs naturally in the cells of plants, animals, and humans. In humans, it’s mostly produced by the liver.

Glutathione contributes to various biological processes, including:

  • Immune function
  • Protection against oxidative stress
  • Detoxification

When the amount of oxidative stress is high, the naturally-occurring glutathione may not be sufficient. Its decreasing levels can contribute to such chronic diseases as cardiovascular issues, diabetes, and cancer

The production of glutathione can decline with age or in response to excessive stress and toxin exposure. That’s why it can be beneficial to receive this amino acid mix from external resources.

Whether glutathione is produced by your body or received externally, it can fight against free radicals, boosting immunity, and improving physical performance.

Are There Any Foods I Should Avoid Eating?

Whether you are taking glutathione in a pill form or opting for IV cocktails, there aren’t any specific foods you must avoid. However, to maximize the effect, consider maintaining a healthy diet that includes fresh fruits and veggies, healthy fats, and lean proteins.

A balanced diet can help your body produce more glutathione naturally and take the most out of external sources.

During the therapy, to minimize oxidative stress, you may want to avoid:

  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Processed foods
  • Foods high in sugar
  • Unhealthy fats
  • Artificial additives

If you have any dietary restrictions, you should also consider avoiding any foods that may trigger adverse reactions.

What are the Benefits of Glutathione? 

Glutathione can play a major role in keeping your body healthy and beautiful. The key benefits of this amino acid combination are:

  • Immune system support – enhances the function of immune cells, promotes the production of antibodies, and aids in the elimination of bacteria and viruses
  • Detox – aids the detoxification process in the liver by neutralizing and eliminating harmful substances, such as heavy metals, pollutants, and drugs
  • Skin health – can help even out skin tone, reduce the appearance of blemishes, and promote a healthy complexion
  • Anti-aging properties – can combat the signs of aging by protecting cells from damage and reducing the formation of wrinkles and fine line
  • Neurological support – assists with maintaining optimal brain function and supporting neurological health. It helps protect neurons from oxidative damage and might also prevent neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Respiratory health – can support respiratory health by reducing inflammation, improving lung function, and protecting the respiratory system against oxidative damage
  • Exercise performance – can help reduce exercise-induced oxidative stress, enhance muscle recovery, and improve overall athletic performance.
  • Cardiovascular health – helps protect the cardiovascular system by reducing oxidative stress, improving blood vessel function, and preventing the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol, which can contribute to heart disease.

All in all, knowing when and how to take glutathione can help have a positive effect on your overall health and quality of life.

See the Benefits for Yourself with Hydralive Therapy® 

Glutathione is a highly important antioxidant molecule that supports your health and well-being. By taking advantage of external glutathione sources through IV cocktails, you can replenish your body and start experiencing the benefits.

Hydralive Therapy® is the premiere IV therapy clinic that offers comprehensive glutathione treatment tested and overseen by a board-certified physician. To schedule a consultation, please contact us at any time.


Photo Creds: Maria Medvedeva/ Shutterstock

Am I Experiencing a Vitamin B12 Deficiency?

Am I Experiencing a Vitamin B12 Deficiency?

Similar to other essential vitamins and elements, Vitamin B12 is vital to your health and well-being. Its deficiency can make you feel tired and depressed, tremendously hurting your quality of life. The longer this deficiency persists, the more severe the consequences are. Thankfully, with the right therapy in Alabama

and Georgia, you can replenish vitamin B12 levels quickly and efficiently.
Let’s look closer at how long it takes to recover from vitamin B12 deficiency and how Hydralive Therapy ® can help you achieve it successfully.

What is Vitamin B12, and Why is it Important?

B12 is an essential vitamin that belongs to the vitamin B group. Its main purpose is to help your body make red blood cells. In addition, it also keeps your nerve cells healthy and assists with making DNA.

You can get B12 from animal foods, including milk, cheese, eggs, meat, and fish. This vitamin is also found in some fortified cereals and plant foods. A person who doesn’t get enough vitamin B12 from their diet can experience a deficiency.
Other reasons for vitamin B12 deficiency include:

  • Pernicious anemia – when your immune system attacks cells in the stomach that are responsible for B12 absorption.
  • Gastric surgeries – removal of parts of your stomach or intestine can interfere with vitamin B12 absorption.
  • Problems with intestines – Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, and tapeworms can prevent your body from absorbing vitamin B12 normally.

Depending on the underlying cause or health condition behind your deficiency, the medical team at Hydralive can design an effective course of treatment.

Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

How long it takes to recover from vitamin B12 deficiency may depend on the severity of your symptoms. If you have low vitamin B12 levels, you may feel:

  • Weakness and Fatigue – you feel weaker than usual and get tired quicker without an apparent reason.
  • Feeling Pins and Needles – numbness and tingling in your hands and feet could signal a neurological problem related to the lack of this important vitamin.
  • Shortness of Breath and Dizziness – when red blood cells don’t make enough oxygen, your organs and tissues feel depleted. As a result, you can have trouble catching your breath while experiencing dizziness.
  • Mobility Problems – you may have difficulty walking the way you usually do. This is associated with nerve function impairment.
  • Blurry Vision – you could find that you don’t see things as clearly as you used to. This can happen if the deficiency has affected the optic nerve.

How long to recover from vitamin B12 deficiency is a question you may have before considering options to help. The recovery time can vary depending on your situation. In most cases, symptoms can start going away within a few weeks.

What Happens if B12 Deficiency is Left Untreated?

When you don’t get enough vitamin B12 consistently, you could develop physical, neurological, and mental health problems. In many cases, vitamin B12 deficiency self-care doesn’t work, and you need a professional approach that includes IV therapy.

If you are experiencing the above symptoms, you need to seek medical assistance immediately. Early detection and treatment positively affect how long it takes to recover from B12 deficiency.

How to Balance Your B12 Deficiency

To balance your vitamin B12 deficiency, you need to replenish this vitamin in your body as soon as possible. To do that, you can take advantage of:

  • Vitamin injections – a quick injection of a healthy dose of vitamin B12 to ensure quick absorption
  • Vitamin IV therapy – continuous IV treatment to help your body replenish B12 stores gradually.

You may need a combination of several therapies together with changes to your lifestyle and diet.

Boost Your Health and Hydration with Hydralive Therapy

How long does it take for vitamin B12 to work? It depends on your dedication to treatment and some individual health characteristics. Hydralive Therapy can speed up your recovery and improve your quality of life sooner.

Schedule a consultation with our medical professionals today to learn more about B12 deficiency and your treatment options. We can help you design a personalized treatment program to achieve the boldest health and wellness goals.

Image Credits: Yeexin Richelle/Shutterstock

How Cold is Cryotherapy & How Does it Work?

How Cold is Cryotherapy & How Does it Work?

There are myriad ways to help maintain a healthy lifestyle and boost your overall health and productivity level. While you may hardly get enough time for exercise owing to a busy schedule, cryotherapy is a life-changing experience for many. Whether you are an individual or company looking for a wellness program to help promote natural healing and wellness in Alabama and Georgia, contact Hydralive Therapy® to get started. So really, how cold is cryotherapy, and how does cryotherapy work?

Read on to learn more and understand the benefits of this unique wellness program.

Defining Cryotherapy and How It Works In the Body

Cryotherapy, or cryo for short, is a healing and wellness technique that uses cold temperatures to provide a rejuvenating experience to the whole body within three minutes. The technique uses a cryotherapy chamber that accommodates one person at a time.

But does cryotherapy work? Research suggests that cryotherapy relieves pain, inflammation, muscle spasms, and mood disorders. It is also an effective technique used to reduce signs of aging.

How Does Cryotherapy Work?

Like ice packs to relieve pain and inflammation, our registered RNs will immerse your whole body in a cryotherapy chamber containing chilled vapor, exposing only your head and neck.

A session lasts about 2-3 minutes, an experience that produces a therapeutic effect that cools the skin. Cryotherapy also causes the body to release endorphins, a hormone that relieves stress and also improves your mood. The chilled vapor used is known to trigger the body’s natural ability to relieve pain.

What’s more, cold temperatures destroy fat cells, providing a more natural way to promote weight loss. Interestingly, a single session of cryo chamber recovery can relieve pain and inflammation for several weeks.

How Cold Is Cryotherapy?

While you may be hesitant at the thought of exposing your entire body to extremely cold temperatures, the results are long-lasting and impressive. A cryo-chamber is cooled to as low as -238°F to -274°F, an experience that lowers the body temperature to just about 32°F.

The exposure time is limited, so you won’t have to worry about your overall health. However, you may have to consult your doctor before undertaking this treatment option.

Possible Health Benefits of Cryotherapy

After a cryotherapy session, your whole body will feel rejuvenated, while your mind will feel more alert. Here are some of the health benefits associated with cryo:

  • Muscle Recovery Boost— the cold temperatures lower your muscle temperatures, a process that relieves muscle tension and boosts muscle recovery, especially after exercises.
  • Pain ReliefStudies suggest that cold temperatures reduce nerve conduction, an experience that triggers a reduction in muscle spasms. This, in turn, reduces the transmission of pain, leading to pain relief.
  • Skin Conditions Management— cryotherapy aims at treating only the affected part of the skin. The extremely cold temperatures help soothe itchy and sore skin and kill lesions and warts.
  • Sleep Improvement — the freezing temperatures trigger the release of norepinephrine, a hormone that promotes a state of relaxation in the mind. This hormone plays a key role in the sleep/wake cycle.

These benefits make cryotherapy worth working into your wellness routine.

Why You Should Consider Cryotherapy

If you have skin conditions such as warts or lesions or have rheumatoid arthritis, cryotherapy can be an ideal treatment option. This therapy is also ideal for fitness enthusiasts who may experience muscle tension and other sports injuries.

However, if you are pregnant, have hypertension, or have nerve damage, you should not use cryotherapy. Additionally, if you are allergic to cold temperatures, cryotherapy may not be good for you. While cryotherapy is considered safe, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor before using this technique.

Boost Your Health and Hydration with Hydralive Therapy

At Hydralive Therapy, we are committed to promoting natural healing and wellness through cryotherapy. Our licensed RNs and board-certified physicians offer customized therapy sessions that meet your unique needs.

Experience our IV-therapy cocktail that’s designed to help you feel better and rejuvenated, as we also help you keep fit in a more natural way. Book now to start your wellness journey.

Image Credit: Jacob Lund/ ShutterStock


How to Hydrate After a Hangover

How to Hydrate After a Hangover

Updated: July 3, 2023

Why IV Therapy Is Good for a Hangover

“Just one more drink…” “It’s a special occasion…” “It’s an open bar…”

If you have used any of these excuses to drink too much during an evening out, you probably know what it is like to wake up the next morning with a monster hangover.

Mouth feeling dry as cotton, head about to explode, tremors, shivers, lethargy, nausea… A stomach that is screaming for food, but the thought of eating bringing the nausea back up again because you’re almost sure that the lining of your gut has been corroded away by the enormous amount of alcohol, that seemed like such a fun idea the night before…

You’ll swear you will never do shots again, hang out with your boozy friends again, see the inside of a bar again, because no amount of fun can compensate for the near-death feeling you know you’re going to have to tolerate for the next who-knows-how-many-hours.


But we know you will.

Perhaps, we all will.

Because the lessons learned in the throes of a hangover are quickly forgotten once we bounce back, and so the cycle repeats again and again.

No judgements here. Just an extremely uncomfortable fact of life.

Now, if you’re someone who knows how to drink responsibly, you’re happy and lucky. But if you’re not, then we’re going to teach you just one habit that will help you manage hangovers the next time you throw caution to the winds.


Alcohol causes dehydration, because they act like a diuretic. For every alcoholic drink you have, your body can expel up to four times as much liquid.  And the lack of fluids not only strips your body of precious electrolytes but exaggerates the symptoms of hangover as well.

Hydrating to lessen the effects of a hangover is a three-part process. Below, we will explain each:

Hydrating BEFORE A Night Out

You probably don’t want to hear the science of it, so we’ll get straight down to what you’re reading this article to know. Sixty percent of our bodies is made up of water, and H2O is a principle catalyst for digestion that helps to process food and drink in the stomach at a much faster rate.

So, if you drink more water before a night out on the town, the alcohol you consume afterwards will flush out of your system more quickly than if you hadn’t. And you’ll feel better the next morning for it.

IV therapy is, of course, the best way to hydrate before you hit the alcohol, because the intravenous drip, powered with all the right vitamins and nutrients, will skip past your digestive system and go straight into your bloodstream, speeding up your body’s hydration status. Way faster, and more effectively than just drinking water can.

Click HERE if you want to try a quick pre-party IV therapy to test this theory out for yourself.

Hydrating DURING A Night Out

• The best way to drink and stay hydrated is to alternate every drink with a glass of water.

• Choose beverages that have some water component. On the rocks, for example, instead of neat.

• Munch on sticks of celery instead of buffalo wings! Almost 20% of our total hydration come from water-rich foods, and a veggie platter is a great snack option when you’re drinking a lot of alcohol.

• Try to stay away from high-sodium foods and drinks. Salt draws water into circulating volume, leading to increased urination, and if you’re not replenishing this water loss, you can quickly become dehydrated.

• Avoid beer if you can if you’re planning to go the long haul. A mug of beer fills you up quickly, and you won’t be inclined to pace it with water as the night goes on.

Hydrating AFTER A Night Out

• Try to drink one glass of water every hour after a night of heavy drinking. Don’t overdo it though, because you’ll be risking water intoxication.

• Consume sports drinks that contain electrolytes.

• Drink ginger ale. Ginger soothes a disturbed stomach.

•  If you have already messed up and are currently feeling the worst symptoms of a monster hangover, come visit one of our Hydralive clinics for hangover recovery. Our blended mix of electrolytes, vitamins and medications will quickly replenish your system and you can go to your important work meeting or show up at your family event or wherever you need to be without looking beat from the worst of a night spent having too much fun.

Drink responsibly, folks! But if you don’t, come to one of our Hydralive clinics. We’ll make sure your life is not derailed just because you had one or two or a dozen drinks too many!

How Does Hydration Affect Heart Rate?

How Does Hydration Affect Heart Rate?

February is American Heart Month – and the message coming through this year is a strong wake-up call to the fact that not only do an estimated 630,000 Americans die of heart-related diseases annually, they can be afflicted at any stage and any age in their lives!

It’s the perfect time therefore, to learn about your own risks for heart disease, and the steps you need to take to make sure you’re not another victim of this leading cause of fatalities in the country. Learn more with Hydralive Therapy!

We’re particularly interested in telling our readers about something they may not have considered before: how hydration is a key factor in maintaining heart health.

What is the Direct impact of Dehydration and Heart Health?

So, here are the facts:

# 1: Dehydration Exhausts The Heart

When your body is not getting proper hydration, your blood volume lowers and thickens as blood consists mostly of water. And when blood volume drops, your vessels tighten and heart rate increases to compensate for that drop – which isn’t good news for optimal functioning of the organ.

# 2: Dehydration Increases Risks Of Stroke

Stroke is caused by the lack of optimal blood reaching the brain, and when you consider how lack of hydration lowers blood volume from the above point, the connection is pretty obvious.

# 3: Dehydration Increases Chances Of Fatal Coronary Heart Disease

The connection between dehydration and coronary heart disease (CHD) was proven in a study that found this astounding fact: sufficient hydration reduces risk of CHD by 59% in women and 46% in men. What’s more, it you drink just five glasses of more water per day, it can make a huge difference!

What Can You Do?

Those most at risk for dehydration are the elderly, people with chronic illnesses, children and athletes. But dehydration can strike anytime and during any season, without you even knowing you are dehydrated.

This is why a regular regimen for hydration has to become a part of your daily lifestyle.

Read our article on how to stay hydrated round the year by clicking HEREHERE and  HERE.

At a glance though, here are some quick facts you can scan through on this page to get some necessary facts:

• Women need about 11 cups (91 ounces) of total daily fluid intake (which includes healthy beverages and water-containing foods).

• Men need about 15.5 cups (125 ounces) total daily fluid intake (which includes healthy beverages and water-containing foods).

• Drinking the recommended eight glasses of water a day is acceptable if 25 % of daily fluid intake is coming from food and other drinks.

• Among water-rich vegetables that you can add to your diet are: lettuce (96%), celery (95%), bok choy (95%), radish (95%), cucumber (95%), zucchini (95%), tomato (95%), green bell pepper (94%) and asparagus (93%) and cabbage (92%).

• Meat naturally contains about 75% water but can vary depending on the cut. Remember also that meats lose water content in the cooking process.

• When choosing fruits, look for water-rich ones such as watermelon (92%), strawberries (90%), grapefruit (90%), cantaloupe (90%), pineapple (87%), oranges (87%) and raspberries (85%).

• Beverages like coffee and soda may increase your daily water intake, but their caffeine content also acts as a diuretic, which means you can end up losing more fluids too. Keep that in mind when you think of them as a source of hydration.

• Meat naturally contains about 75% water but can vary depending on the cut. Remember also that meats lose water content in the cooking process.

• Increase your fluid intake if you are an athlete or exercise frequently, as you’ll lose more water than others with more sedentary lifestyles through exertion and sweat.

• Hot weather calls for more fluids, but dehydration can occur in winter months too.

• Women who are either pregnant or breast-feeding need additional fluids to stay hydrated.

• IV therapy is a quick and easy way to increase hydration in the body. This is an extremely efficient system as none of the essential components, like minerals and nutrients, are lost in the digestion process and your body enjoys full benefits from the transmissions.

Click HERE to know more about IV therapy options to counter dehydration. If you have anymore questions, try checking out Our Menu!